Sunday 6 March 2011

Filming Session.. Actor & Band..

Actor:The location chosen for the Actor (Dom Sauboorah) scene was the Drama Studio in our school. We had a big problem with the lighting at first and we tried lots of different angles to try and get the best one to see the Actors face clearly. We have recorded him saying something without realising that we won't be able to hear him as we're muting the clips to hear the music, but it hopefully won't look too weird. Overall, the filming went well and it didnt take too long at all.

We filmed the band scene in the Music Studio at our school. It was hard trying to make sure that all of the instruments and people were in the shot as the studio isnt too big. But we eventually did it and the drummer (Conor Fuller), bass guitarist (Hannah McCrossen), guitarist (Claire Brooke) and vocalist (Chloé Byerley) all managed to fit into the shot. We recorded us playing the song so we can hopefully try and edit it so that, in the yearbook, it looks like we're playing along to the track.

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